Friday, May 18, 2007

Confessions of a slacker mom-in-training

First off, I'm not preggers. Sorry mom (who is a bit frustrated that she's the only non-grandma in her circle of friends).

But the subject of procreation has begun to creep into conversation between me and my husband. It's no longer off-limits, no longer taboo.

It's hard to imagine what kind of parents we will be.

Will we buy a bugaboo stroller, a minivan and a home in a gated community?

I mean, we had a pirate band play our wedding. My husband draws monsters and plays video games for a living. I don't have a single friend who is an MD or a lawyer. Most of them are rejuveniles.

Will we spend our Saturdays watching soccer and football games?

We don't even like sports.

And I will never, ever get into scrapbooking.

I really fear the alpha mom rat race.

So I read this article about slacker moms with interest.

Slacker mom, yeah, I can get with that.

Let the flames begin ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Word, Thanks for that article. I work in education and I am surrounded by the general feeling of anxiety about “being a good mom?” It actually makes quite anxious about being a mother my self. I like the part about "your child is not a project." It must also be noted that this constant mother rating anxiety will have an effect possibility more damaging then your child not learning Italian by age six.